Dear Resident
Please note that from Monday 17th January, contractors will be preparing, and then resurfacing, some roads in the estate. The roads affected are Upper Chiltern Hill, Lower Woodside Hill, Winkers Lane Spur, and a small section of Sandy Rise.
Mon 17 | Lower Woodside Hill | Road surface planing and edge preparation |
Tue 18 | Upper Chiltern Hill , Sandy Rise, Winkers Lane spur | Road surface planing and edge preparation |
Wed 19 | Woodside Hill | New road surfacing |
Thu 20 | Chiltern Hill and Sandy Rise | New road surfacing |
Fri 21 | Winkers Lane Spur | New road surfacing |
Mon 24 | Spare Day |

The attached note gives details. More precise timings for when specific roads may be impassable will be communicated on Monday 17th once we have spoken again to the contractor. Depending on where your property is, on the day of the resurfacing work there may be a period of a few hours when the road is impassable by vehicles while the tarmac cools.
As with road sweeping, parking on the affected stretches of road is to be avoided, please.
Further information will follow on Monday.
Many thanks.
Chalfont Heights Roads Committee