Chalfont Heights | Chalfont Heights Road Committee

Welcome to Chalfont Heights!

Welcome to the website of the Chalfont Heights estate in Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire.

In these pages you will find information about the estate, its heritage, activities and latest news. Our photos show Chalfont Heights from the 1930s to today.

The estate is managed by a Committee. It's easy to make contact with us.

One section of the website - the Forum - is open only to residents of the estate: it is password protected.

Peter Whitehead Riley 1932
Bugatti Type 55 BOC Hill Climb Start
Bugatti Type 37 on Chalfont Hill Climb
Bugatti Type 37 BOC, on 'The Hairpin'
Riley Brooklands 9 BOC 1935
MG Chalfont Hill Climb
Chalfont Heights Neighbourhood Watch

Chiltern Hill bridge has been closed today

Chiltern Hill bridge has been closed today, Monday 10th February, to enable the telephone mast to be removed.  We received no notice of this closure from either Bucks County Council or from Galliford Try, the contractors for o2.  The closure is for today only, but the contractors expect there to be traffic lights on the bridge for several days thereafter.  They also expect a further closure next week for installation of a new mast but are not able to say […]


CHRC 59th AGM, Monday 28th February, 2014

A reminder that the estate’s 59th Annual General Meeting is being held on Monday, 28th February, starting promptly at 7.30pm. Drinks will be available from 7pm. The venue is the Church Hall in Church Lane, Chalfont St Peter.

Our current Chairman, Jonathan Peglar will Chair the meeting and the residents are invited to join us to hear about future plans for the upkeep of Chalfont Heights Estate. We kindly reques that if you are unable to attend that you please RSVP […]


Chiltern Hill – Update

Temporary closure of Chiltern Hill below the Island

Thames Water’s contractor arrived on Monday, 6th January to carry out remedial work on the sewer below the island on Chiltern Hill. Chiltern Hill will be closed at some point either this or next week and we will update the website and email residents once we have further information on the works from Thames Water.

Road subsidence in Lewis Lane

An area of subsidence has developed in the road surface outside Overcombe in Lewis Lane, […]


Chalfont Heights AGM – Diary Date

The 59th Annual General Meeting of the Chalfont Heights Roads Committee, in review of 2013, will take place in the Chalfont St Peter Church Hall on Monday 28th of February 2014, times and agenda to follow.



Storm Damage and Street Lighting

During the recent storm the Estate fortunately lost only two trees – one on Ellis Avenue and one on Chiltern Hill at the junction with Lewis Lane.  Jasper Garnham had identified the damage on Monday morning and organised for Fineland Forestry to deal with the immediate problems on Monday afternoon.

Fineland will complete the removal of trunks when their workload returns to normal.  Meanwhile if anyone becomes aware of damaged trees belonging to the Estate, please let us know.

As a separate […]


Parish Council meets re gypsy and traveller sites consultation

There will be an Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council on Monday, 7th October at 18.30 in the Parish Council Offices in Gravel Hill, Chalfont St Peter.

The meeting will be preceded by a 15-minute public discussion.  The main topic of the meeting will be the Chiltern District Council public consultation relating to Sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople.

The Agenda may be viewed at—Extraordinary-Meeting-7th-October-2013.pdf