Chalfont Heights | Chalfont Heights Road Committee

Welcome to Chalfont Heights!

Welcome to the website of the Chalfont Heights estate in Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire.

In these pages you will find information about the estate, its heritage, activities and latest news. Our photos show Chalfont Heights from the 1930s to today.

The estate is managed by a Committee. It's easy to make contact with us.

One section of the website - the Forum - is open only to residents of the estate: it is password protected.

Peter Whitehead Riley 1932
Bugatti Type 55 BOC Hill Climb Start
Bugatti Type 37 on Chalfont Hill Climb
Bugatti Type 37 BOC, on 'The Hairpin'
Riley Brooklands 9 BOC 1935
MG Chalfont Hill Climb
Chalfont Heights Neighbourhood Watch

Police and Crime Commissioner elected for Thames Valley

The Conservative Anthony Stansfeld has been elected as Thames Valley’s new Police and Crime Commissioner.

More details of the voting are available here.

Mr Stansfeld will take up his role from 22 November, with the current Police Authority ceasing to exist at 11.59pm on Wednesday 21 November.

Police and Crime Commissioners will indicate their proposed budget and precept for 2013 – 2014 in December, and their Police and Crime Plan will be published by March 2013.

The Chief Constable, Sara Thornton, said: “I would […]


Police Commissioner Elections on 15 November 2012

On 15 November 2012, the public across England and Wales will elect a police and crime commissioner who will be accountable for how crime is tackled in their police force areas.


The first PCC elections will take place on 15 November 2012 to elect a PCC for each police force area in England and Wales outside London.

Everyone registered to vote in the police force area will be able to vote, including British, EU and Commonwealth citizens living in the UK.

Download List […]


A District by-election for the Central ward will be held on 15 November 2012

Chiltern District Council has 40 elected Councillors, who are democratically accountable to the residents of their ward.  Councillors have a duty to the whole community, in addition to the duty to their constituents.

The following downloadable PDF is a statement of the persons nominated for election as a District Councillor for Central Ward.

Some Councillors sit on Committees which make decisions on a range of different issues to do with service provision and the development of strategy, policies and the budget for the […]


Update on the road sweep – job not finished yet

Our contractors Bicester Sweepers spent a long day on Monday sweeping a large amount of leaves from many of the roads in the estate.

They brought two 4-tonne capacity sweepers, which were each filled twice (dumping and then returning). The wet weather did not help, as it added to the bulk of the leaves and made it more difficult to sweep.

Work was suspended for the day at nightfall. And still there are more leaves to collect!

Please note that the following roads […]


Estate roads to be swept of leaves

The Estate’s roads will be swept of leaves on the morning of Monday 12th November.

Residents are asked not to leave cars parked in the road that morning.

The verges will not be cleaned of leaves — but everything on the road surface that morning will be hoovered up.

Residents of Woodside Hill in particular have a large amount of leaves on their verges, and may want to ensure at least some of this leaf-fall is in a position to be swept away […]


Halloween Message from Thames Valley Police

Message sent by, Jen Shraga (Police, Police Community Support Officer (PCSO), )

Worried by Halloween?  If you do not wish to be called upon “No trick or treat posters” can be downloaded from Remember this Halloween don’t open your door if you’re unsure who is there. Use your spy-hole, look out of a window or use your door chain.

Looking forward to Halloween?  Police on the Chiltern and South Bucks LPA want everyone to have a happy and safe time and […]