Chalfont Heights | Chalfont Heights Road Committee

Posts Tagged ‘Chalfont Heights Roads Committee’

URGENT – CHRC Response to Chiltern District Council public consultation on Gypsy, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

Posted on: October 4th, 2013 by Alan Lane

Chalfont Heights Roads Committee Limited has submitted its response to Chiltern District Council’s public consultation regarding Gypsy, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Site Options.

The response objects to the identification of Area 4 as a potentially suitable site and makes the point that with four other sites in the immediate neighbourhood, Chalfont St Peter has arguably provided more than its fair share of sites.

The grounds for objection in relation to Area 4 include the following:

  • the proposal is contrary to the Council’s own policies
    • it should have been excluded at Stage One because it is in a designated Area of Little Change
    • it will not be possible to provide adequate visual and acoustic screening
    • it will not be possible to connect to existing infrastructure – particularly sewers – without placing an unsustainable additional burden on them
    • under its own Core Strategy 14, the Council cannot propose a site within the Green Belt unless it can demonstrate – which it has not – that there are NO other sites available outside the Green Belt
  • the infrastructure of the village will be inadequate, given impending developments at The Holy Cross site, The NSE and elsewhere
  • increased pedestrian traffic along the rights of way over the adjacent fields would give rise to additional security risks
  • public reaction – whether justified or not – to a site adjacent to the Paccar Scout Camp would be hostile and damaging

We encourage residents of the Estate who have a view about the suitability or otherwise of Area 4 as a site for Gypsies or Travellers to make their own individual submissions following the procedure set out on the Council’s website at  In making submissions, residents should bear in mind that:

  • the Council is likely to disregard in their entirety any submissions containing discriminatory or offensive material;
  • individually drafted submissions are likely to carry more weight than those containing material cut and pasted from other submissions or sources.

The deadline for receipt of submissions by the Council is Monday, 14th October. Click HERE for the Response Form.

Letter About Chalfont St Peter Road Closures

Posted on: March 1st, 2013 by Alan Lane

Your Committee would urge you to take time to read the attached letter from Bucks County Council as soon as possible. CHRC have recently been publicizing the news that from March 11th, plans are going ahead by Bucks County Council to close off the High Street by the roundabout off the A413. CLICK ON READ MORE.


This is the letter sent by Bucks County Council to Businesses in Chalfont St Peter

Severe Disruption Due to Road Closure in Chalfont St Peter

Posted on: February 21st, 2013 by Alan Lane

Plans are going ahead by Bucks County Council to close off the High Street by the roundabout off the A413 and this is going to have an impact on the traffic around the village and potentially through the Estate. If you have not read the minutes from the 57th AGM, which were circulated prior to the recent AGM, the Committee would encourage you to do so.

Residents who attended the AGM on Friday 8th February will know the Committee are taking action on behalf of the residents of Chalfont Heights and our agreed plan will be outlined in the Minutes of the most recent meeting, which will be circulated within the next 2 weeks.

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact page. Bucks County Council Roadworks can be viewed HERE

The CHRC AGM – Friday 8th February 2013

Posted on: January 8th, 2013 by Alan Lane


58th Annual General Meeting

to be held on

Friday 8th February 2013 at 19.00 for 19.30

at Chalfont St Peter Parish Church Hall, Church Lane

Please Click on this Link to download the AGM Minutes for 2012

Update from Bob Burge on preparations for winter, new grit bins, and road sweeping.

Posted on: October 27th, 2012 by Alan Lane

CHRC have purchased four additional grit bins in forest green. Three 400 litre bins have been placed in the following locations on Chalfont Heights Estate:

  • at the top of Lewis Lane near the small island
  • at the foot of Chiltern Hill
  • at the mid point of Sandy Rise, replacing the smaller 200 litre bin previously located there.

A new 200 litre bin has been provided for the residents of the Lincoln Road spur who have in the past experienced difficulties on this steep access road in snow conditions. All estate bins have been filled with replacement road salt in readiness for the winter.

We have also bought a hand operated salt spreader which we hope will speed up the salting process on our key roads such as Chiltern Hill and Woodside Hill. This will be looked after by Bob Burge, and is available on demand.

Request from Bob: please could all snow clearance volunteers contact me (Bob) to advise continued availability and to provide telephone contact numbers, house name and road covered.

The first road sweep of the season will be on the morning of Monday 12th November. It is hoped that by this time the majority of leaves will have fallen.

Chalfont Heights Roads Committee