Chalfont Heights | Chalfont Heights Road Committee

Posts Tagged ‘roads’

Traffic Counting on Chalfont Heights

Posted on: August 7th, 2024 by Tickencote

Following on from the flooding events in the village and the large number of vehicles that diverted through the Estate, CHRC have put in place 3 traffic counting units at the various entrances to Chalfont Heights.

There is a unit on Upway, one at the bottom of Woodside Hill and also one a shot distance up from the bridge on Chiltern Hill. CHRC own 1 unit and we are hiring 2 others from Metrocount at this point in time.

The Counting units will stay in place until the end of October 2024 so that we built up a profile of the traffic volume and also further data relating to speed, direction of travel and vehicle size. CHRC will use the data as a base line for Summer and Autumn and then will conduct a further survey in Spring and Summer 2025 to complete the dataset.

If you notice any issues with the counting tubes or the boxes please contact us through the website on our contact page.

Note to Chalfont Heights residents

Posted on: November 2nd, 2014 by George Eykyn

This note from Jonathan Pegler is also being delivered in hard copy to each household.

Dear Resident,

I am writing to tell you about changes to our plans for resurfacing this Autumn, and am taking the opportunity to deal with several other matters.

Resurfacing plans

The Committee’s note of 20 October (*text appended for reference) set out plans by National Grid to renew the gas mains along many of our roads. We expect much of the work to take place on verges and not to involve major disturbance of the road surfaces. However, we did not want to run the risk of disturbance to newly-resurfaced roads, so we have postponed the planned resurfacing on Ellis Avenue and Halfacre Hill until Spring 2015, by which time the National Grid work should be complete.

Road Sweeping

We do not yet have a date for road sweeping; many leaves are now down, but many more remain to fall. We shall let you know when the sweep is due and would be grateful if, as usual, residents would cooperate by asking visitors not to park on roads of verges – and, of course, not doing so themselves.


There is a 15mph speed limit on the Estate’s roads. The vast majority of residents observe the limits but some residents, and some visitors do not. This is particularly true on Chiltern Hill; the two speed humps at the bottom suffer damage almost every day and yet cars still then speed upwards from the junction with Lincoln Road. We appreciate that the main culprits are probably delivery vans and unauthorised vehicles driving through the Estate but we should nevertheless like to remind everyone to stick to the speed limit and to ask their visitors to do the same.

Sandy Rise and Lower Chiltern Hill parking

I met the Chairman of the Youth Centre and the Head and Deputy Head of the Montessori School last week. They are making determined efforts to control parking by parents – both face-to-face and every three weeks or so in their newsletter – and my impression is that they are meeting with some success. They are anxious to assist, and ask that if you encounter any problems with parents’ parking (or speeding) you contact the Headmistress (07973 165821) with a date, time, vehicle number and description. Please remember that it is the parents who cause the parking problem, not the school or its staff.

Controlling Access to the Estate

You will recall that at the 2014 AGM a group of residents undertook to research the possibilities for controlling access to the Estate with a view to limiting through traffic and improving security. That group will shortly be providing an interim report on its findings and seeking views on how to proceed, with a view to presenting a detailed proposal at the 2015 AGM.

Committee changes

Kris Krokosz has resigned from the Committee after many years, during which he served on the Development Subcommittee and the Roads Subcommittee.  We shall greatly miss his drive, enthusiasm and experience.

Peter Gourd has volunteered not just to join the Committee but to chair the Development Subcommittee.  Peter is a retired Chartered Accountant and has practical experience of dealing with planning matters.

Membership of Chalfont Heights Roads Committee Limited

You will remember that at the 2014 AGM, we changed the constitution of the company so that freeholders of each household could become members. Many of you have become members but many have still not done so. If you would like to become a member of the company, please let me know on 01753 889373 or by email.


Almost all residents have paid their subscriptions, but a small handful have still not paid or made arrangements to pay the £300 subscription that was determined by residents at the 2014 AGM. If you have not yet paid or made arrangements to pay, please contact our Treasurer, Keith Quilter.

Trees and verges

A number of residents have very helpfully commented on the felling of some trees on the Estate and on damage of changes to verges. Please continue to do so, but bear in mind that CHRC’s jurisdiction is over the verges and trees on the verges (which it owns), not on individual properties. Sadly it is necessary in most years for us to remove a few trees from the verges because they have died or become diseased or for other reasons. In all cases, we aim to plant suitable replacements within a reasonable time.

Hours of building work, and associated noise

We have recently encountered a few instances of noisy building work being carried out on Saturday afternoons and Sundays. The general conditions for work by contractors on the Estate (available on the website) specify that there should be no noisy external work carried out on Sundays or after 13.00 on Saturdays. This is for the benefit of all residents. Please therefore ensure that your contractors observe this condition.

Changes in ownership

New residents receive a welcome pack which explains how the Estate operates, including matters such as the Estate’s development policy and how to become a member of the company. We do not always know when a property has been bought and sold. Keeping up to date so we can welcome new residents is a task you can help us with. If you are selling a property on the Estate, please let George Eykyn know ([email protected]) and/or ask the purchasers to contact him. If you have bought a house on the Estate and not yet contacted George, please do.

Jonathan Pegler

Chairman, Chalfont Heights Roads Committee


* Residents living in many of the estate’s roads are being notified of disruption as National Grid contractors carry out work to upgrade the gas mains in the area.

National Grid has written to residents warning them of impending work.

Woodside Hill residents have been told the work there will last for five weeks, from 27 October until 28 November 2014.

Other roads affected are:

Halfacre Hill (13 October to 7 November)

Ellis Avenue (11 November to 12 December)

Lewis Lane (15 December to 21 January 2015)

Sandy Rise (23 February to 27 March 2015)

Morris Close (15 February)

There may be temporary interruptions in the gas supply for properties which use it. Engineers requiring access to houses will contact residents beforehand.

Any queries should go to the contractors, TRIIO, on 0800 096 5678.


Severe Disruption Due to Road Closure in Chalfont St Peter

Posted on: February 21st, 2013 by Alan Lane

Plans are going ahead by Bucks County Council to close off the High Street by the roundabout off the A413 and this is going to have an impact on the traffic around the village and potentially through the Estate. If you have not read the minutes from the 57th AGM, which were circulated prior to the recent AGM, the Committee would encourage you to do so.

Residents who attended the AGM on Friday 8th February will know the Committee are taking action on behalf of the residents of Chalfont Heights and our agreed plan will be outlined in the Minutes of the most recent meeting, which will be circulated within the next 2 weeks.

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact page. Bucks County Council Roadworks can be viewed HERE

Snow and Gritting

Posted on: January 18th, 2013 by Alan Lane

With the recent snowfall our volunteer snow wardens have been busy gritting the key roads in the estate.

Keith gritting - 20 Jan 2013

This picture shows Committee member Keith Quilter re-gritting the roundabout in Upper Chiltern Hill.

Here’s the page on the Bucks County Council website where residents can track the Bucks gritters live.

Send us your pictures of snow on different locations around the Estate and we will, with your permission, try to use them on the website.

Update on the road sweep – job not finished yet

Posted on: November 13th, 2012 by George Eykyn

Our contractors Bicester Sweepers spent a long day on Monday sweeping a large amount of leaves from many of the roads in the estate.

They brought two 4-tonne capacity sweepers, which were each filled twice (dumping and then returning). The wet weather did not help, as it added to the bulk of the leaves and made it more difficult to sweep.

Work was suspended for the day at nightfall. And still there are more leaves to collect!

Please note that the following roads have not yet been swept: Sandy Rise, Lewis Lane and the lower part of Chiltern Hill.

Bob Burge from the Roads Committee has called Bicester Sweepers to make a further booking to finish the work, and we await a date for the job to be completed. Residents will be advised once we have the exact date.

Estate roads to be swept of leaves

Posted on: November 9th, 2012 by George Eykyn

The Estate’s roads will be swept of leaves on the morning of Monday 12th November.

Residents are asked not to leave cars parked in the road that morning.

The verges will not be cleaned of leaves — but everything on the road surface that morning will be hoovered up.

Residents of Woodside Hill in particular have a large amount of leaves on their verges, and may want to ensure at least some of this leaf-fall is in a position to be swept away by the contractors.