Chalfont Heights | Chalfont Heights Road Committee

Posts Tagged ‘Stroud’

Letter from East Yorkshire

Posted on: December 7th, 2012 by Alan Lane

The Committee recently received a nice letter from Mr Tony Roeder of North Ferriby, East Yorkshire. Mr. Roeder came across the Chalfont Heights website and having lived here between 1932 and 1957, he kindly shared some of his recollections with us in the attached letter.

The Roeder family lived on the Heights while Tony’s father, JR Roeder worked for the Stroud family, he designed houses for WJ Stringer following service in WW2. Mr Roeder also kindly sent us copies of a photograph of Overcombe and an envelope addressed to his father at York cottage, the “office” for the Building Department on Chalfont Heights.

Letter from A R Roeder